Butterfly Sightings for April 2024 (Species seen this year: 18)

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From Dominic Woodfield : "Seen at The Holies, Berks (SU589802) today were Small Copper and Dingy Skipper. At Lardon Chase, Berks (SU586808) Green Hairstreak, Grizzled Skipper, Dingy Skipper, Common Blue, Peacock, Brimstone, Green-veined White, Common Carpet, Green Carpet."
From Denise Harper : "One Green Hairstreak, sheltering from the wind at the bottom of the orchid slope at Hartslock, Oxon (SU616795). Also 5 Brimstones."
Green Hairstreak, Hartslock, Oxon, 30-Apr-2024 (© Denise Harper)
Brimstone, Hartslock, Oxon, 30-Apr-2024 (© Denise Harper)
From Derek Haynes : "On the Chiltern Way footpath that runs south-east from Yoesden Bank, Bucks (SU789978), I saw a Dingy Skipper, a Green Hairstreak, 2 male Orange-tips, several Peacocks and at least 5 of both male and female Brimstones."
From Rikki Harrington : "Grizzled Skipper near Beacon Road, lower cattle grid Ivinghoe Hill, Bucks (SP957170) today. Duke of Burgundy on Beacon North Slope Lower (SP960171) and 2 along track 13 (SP959162). Plus Green Hairstreak, Speckled Wood, Peacocks, Orange-tips, Brimstones, Small White."

From Rikki Harrington : "A Duke of Burgundy at 3.10pm today, Beacon Road near lower cattle grid, Ivinghoe Hills, Bucks (SP958159). "
Duke of Burgundy, Ivinghoe Hills, Bucks, 29-Apr-2024 (© Rikki Harrington)

From John Kearns : "In a sudden break in the clouds in a otherwise very damp day, a male Orange-tip was on the bluebells in our garden in Caversham, Berks (SU727754)."
Orange-tip, Caversham, Berks, 28-Apr-2024 (© John Kearns)

From Bob Theaker : "Delighted to find, albeit a solitary specimen, a pristine Duke of Burgundy at Incombe Hole, Bucks (SP959156) today. The couple of hours of early afternoon sunshine also produced 4 Small White, an Orange-tip, as well as around a dozen each of Brimstone and Peacock. "
Duke of Burgundy, Incombe Hole, Bucks, 26-Apr-2024 (© Bob Theaker)
From Kevin Pickering : "I spent about 40 mins from about 3.30pm looking for Duke of Burgundy at Small Dean Bank, Bucks (SU824991), and had one."
From Tom Dunbar : "I was very pleased to witness a female Holly Blue egg-laying in my garden in Aylesbury, Bucks (SP823143) on the buds of a small flowering Holly. I've had occasional Holly blue sightings in the garden and local park in recent weeks. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera to hand today to photograph the egg-laying activity."
Holly Blue (egg), Aylesbury, Bucks, 26-Apr-2024 (© Tom Dunbar)
Holly Blue (egg), Aylesbury, Bucks, 26-Apr-2024 (© Tom Dunbar)

From Jean-Paul Brouard : "We had a great day at Hartslock, Oxon (SU618793), with the sun out in the late morning. We observed 9 Green Hairstreaks, 1 female Brimstone, 1 male Small Heath, 1 Peacock and 1 male Grizzled Skipper. We were also fortunate enough to see a Narrow-Bordered Bee Hawk-moth nectaring on cowslip. The Lady Orchids and Pasque flowers were flowering."

From Rikki Harrington & Tom Dunbar : "Male Duke of Burgundy seen in 'Duke Gully', Ivinghoe Hills, Bucks (SP959167) today. Temperature about 11°C, hazy sun."
Duke of Burgundy, Ivinghoe Hills, Bucks, 18-Apr-2024 (© Rikki Harrington)

From John Kearns : "Just a female Orange-tip in the garden in Caversham, Berks (SU727754) this afternoon. "
Orange-tip, Caversham, Berks, 16-Apr-2024 (© John Kearns)

From Denise Harper : "Not much butterfly activity on a cool windy afternoon at Whitchurch Hill, Oxon (SU647789), but along a sheltered bridleway with high hedges I saw 2 Speckled Wood, 1 female Orange-tip, 1 Peacock and 1 Green-veined White which had hunkered down deep in the vegetation beneath the hedge. "
Speckled Wood, Whitchurch Hill, Oxon, 15-Apr-2024 (© Denise Harper)
Green-veined White, Whitchurch Hill, Oxon, 15-Apr-2024 (© Denise Harper)
Orange-tip, Whitchurch Hill, Oxon, 15-Apr-2024 (© Denise Harper)
From John Kearns : "Lots of activity this morning along Jacksons Lane, Mapledurham, Oxon (SU687761) : Orange-tip x 6 (m & f), Peacock x 2, Holly Blue x 2, Speckled Wood x 5, Green-veined White, Brimstone x 2. "
Speckled Wood, Mapledurham, Oxon, 14-Apr-2024 (© John Kearns)
Holly Blue, Mapledurham, Oxon, 14-Apr-2024 (© John Kearns)
Brimstone, Mapledurham, Oxon, 14-Apr-2024 (© John Kearns)
From Sue Taylor : "Just after midday today a perfect spring morning the air temp 12°C but down in the valley at Incombe Hole, Bucks (SP959156) it was warm and I was treated to an early feast of butterflies: Holly Blue, Speckled Wood, Green-veined White, Green Hairstreak, Orange-tip, Peacock, Comma, Brimstone and a lone but pristine Duke of Burgundy. Lots of other insects too, a wonderful walk."
From Jeremy Gurton : "In a walk from, and including, my garden and through adjoining fields at Stoke Mandeville, Bucks (SP835105) this afternoon I saw two Holly Blues, two male Orange-tip, one Brimstone, 2 Green-veined White, one Peacock and,to my delight, my first Small Tortoiseshell of the season. Sadly it was too breezy for photographs."

From Rikki Harrington : "One Green Hairstreak at Incombe Hole, Bucks (SP959154) this afternoon. "
From Sally Japp : "Today at Incombe Hole, Bucks (SP958161), Bucks I saw 3 Green Hairstreak, 6 Peacock, 14 Brimstone, 2 Speckled Wood and 3 Orange-tips."
Green Hairstreak, Incombe Hole, Bucks, 13-Apr-2024 (© Sally Japp)

From Phil Barnett : "A female Orange-tip was at the boundary of Christchurch Meadow and the Botanical Gardens in Oxford, Oxon (SP519059). It flew from the meadow into the Botanical Gardens."
From Denise Harper : "In the garden in Caversham, Berks (SU609800) today I saw 2 Orange-tips, (1m,1f), 3 Brimstones and several Holly Blues, although they didn't seem inclined to settle."
Orange-tip, Caversham, Berks, 12-Apr-2024 (© Denise Harper)
Orange-tip, Caversham, Berks, 12-Apr-2024 (© Denise Harper)
From Denise Harper : "Walking from Goring, Oxon (SU609800) to Hartslock today I saw numerous Brimstones and Orange-tips flying vigorously along the road embankments, 1 Holly Blue on the bridleway near Hartslock, and a Peacock on the path at Hartslock. It was very windy higher up the hill, so unfortunately no butterflies were seen on the slopes. "
Brimstone, Goring, Oxon, 12-Apr-2024 (© Denise Harper)
Peacock, Goring, Oxon, 12-Apr-2024 (© Denise Harper)
Holly Blue, Goring, Oxon, 12-Apr-2024 (© Denise Harper)
From Michael Pitt-Payne : "Butterflies were in my garden in Stone, Bucks (SP748210) all day: 1 Peacock, 5 Orange-tips, 4 Speckled Woods, 4 Brimstones and whites which never settled."
Speckled Wood, Stone, Bucks, 12-Apr-2024 (© Michael Pitt-Payne)
From Rikki Harrington : "Seen this afternoon at the cattle grid, Ivinghoe Hills, Bucks (SP958168) were Orange-tip male, Brimstones, Peacocks and Holly Blues. At Incombe Hole, Bucks (SP959154) were Orange-tip female, Speckled Woods, Peacocks, Commas and Brimstones."
Peacock, Incombe Hole, Bucks, 12-Apr-2024 (© Rikki Harrington)
Comma, Incombe Hole, Bucks, 12-Apr-2024 (© Rikki Harrington)
Holly Blue, Ivinghoe Hills, Bucks, 12-Apr-2024 (© Rikki Harrington)

From David Hastings : "Firsts of the year seen in my garden in Aston, Oxon (SP338032) were Orange-tip (1m), Holly Blue (1f) and Small White (1m). Also Peacock (2) and Brimstone (2m). The Holly Blue spent a long time nectaring on Cuckoo-flower flowers."
Holly Blue, Aston, Oxon, 11-Apr-2024 (© David Hastings)
Small White, Aston, Oxon, 11-Apr-2024 (© David Hastings)
From John Kearns : "In the garden in Caversham, Berks (SU727754) today were Peacock, Holly Blue and Orange-tip (m)."
Peacock, Caversham, Berks, 11-Apr-2024 (© John Kearns)

From Tom Dunbar : "I made a short video of a very active male/female pair of Brimstones in our garden in Aylesbury, Bucks (SP823143) this pm. It resulted in the male being rejected and taking flight. However the female went on to subsequently lay 9+ eggs on one of my Buckthorn plants, presumably having been previously mated. I managed to extract a still-photo from the video showing the upperwings of the male. Photo quality not great due to windy conditions. "
Brimstone, Aylesbury, Bucks, 08-Apr-2024 (© Tom Dunbar)
Brimstone, Aylesbury, Bucks, 08-Apr-2024 (© Tom Dunbar)
Brimstone (egg), Aylesbury, Bucks, 08-Apr-2024 (© Tom Dunbar)
From Denise Harper : "2 Speckled Wood, 1 Comma, 2 Peacocks, 2 Orange-tip (1M, 1F), several Holly Blues and 3 Brimstones seen in the garden in Caversham, Berks (SU710754) today."
Brimstone, Caversham, Berks, 08-Apr-2024 (© Denise Harper)
Holly Blue, Caversham, Berks, 08-Apr-2024 (© Denise Harper)
Speckled Wood, Caversham, Berks, 08-Apr-2024 (© Denise Harper)
From Geoff Farrell : "A fresh Peacock was seen in the back garden in Maidenhead, Berks (SU860813) - it did not land."
From David Cleal : "A Holly Blue was in our garden in White Waltham, Berks (SU855778) this morning."
From Michael Pitt-Payne : "A Comma was resting on a stone path in my garden in Stone, Bucks (SP748210) today. The first sighting of two was on March 24."
Comma, Stone, Bucks, 08-Apr-2024 (© Michael Pitt-Payne)

From Tom Dunbar : "Five Holly Blues including a mated pair recorded in local Alfred Rose Park, Aylesbury, Bucks (SP821147). This was despite high winds and zero sunshine."
From John Clough : "I saw a male Orange-tip and a Green-veined White in my garden at Pound Lane, Marlow, Bucks (SU840859) at lunchtime today. Is this the first record of the year for the Green-veined White? (answer: yes!) "
Orange-tip, Marlow, Bucks, 07-Apr-2024 (© John Clough)
Green-veined White, Marlow, Bucks, 07-Apr-2024 (© John Clough)

From John Kearns : "Whilst doing a bit of tidying up in the garden in Caversham, Berks (SU727754) today, I came across a Jersey Tiger larva on our Comfrey plant."
Jersey Tiger (larva), Caversham, Berks, 04-Apr-2024 (© John Kearns)

From Chris Carter : "We released five hibernated Peacocks and one Small Tortoiseshell from our outbuilding at Alvescot, Oxon (SP271040) today. Three more Peacocks had been released over previous weeks and two dead ones appeared. They are free to escape without assistance if they chance on the right opening, but the window is by far the brightest feature and they gravitate to it."
From Richard Bates : "I was fooled today the sun came out put my coat on started my walk at Cadmore End, Bucks (SU787925), I saw 3 male Brimstones and my first Peacock sunning itself on a Bramble leaf, then the sun went in."